We have been encouraged!!!
It was a great time! God is so faithful! He did so much in our community in these 3 days. We heard a lot of testimonies and that really encouraged me! Personally I could say that I was tired and needing God’s encouragement. He did it! He blessed me with so many good conversations that I was filled. I am more convicted about going to the campus and sharing my life with the students
Our community (30 or more students) had a great time in of fellowship and in the Word. Colossians is such a good book to study because you can come back to Jesus and to Jesus alone as our God, Savior. He is supreme over all creation!
There was a student called Pedro that came to a community meeting for the first time. I shared a lot from my life with him. He is an electrical engineering student. Pray for Him that God will give him knowledge of Christ - that He will feel His love in a personal way!