Sunday, June 29, 2008 

Official Picture from the last retreat

Click on the picture to see it in the bigger format!

Saturday, June 28, 2008 

MORE meetings

Every week we are searching for MORE!!!

How are you searching for more in your life?
Do you think we will be satisfied?
What Jesus has to do with this search?
What Jesus has to say about this search?

This is what our meetings is about. We will have our last meeting this next Thursday. About 50 people are coming all week and we are having a good time together.


End of Semester Retreat!

On 4th July to 10th we will have our last and final retreat of the Semester!!!

We are so excited because we have all the Americans students with us and we hope to have so many friends that could come and learn so much from Jesus!

We are praying to have 80 people comming. Please join in prayer with us!

Please pray for us:

- Favor to see our friends coming
- Power and love to proclaim the word openly
- That all of us would come out of it transformed by Christ and his love




I am so excited about all GOD is doing!!!

Praise GOD!!!
Our retreat was great! That was a great retreat to see many students inviting friends and building their faith as they were doing that.

God really helped us and we get 70 people with our Community (ICEX, FACE and LAW).
21 was Americans,
5 staffs
54 students!!!! That was the biggest number we had ever had!!!

Not only the numbers was good, but also what God did in many first time contacts. We had around 20 contacts that were non Christian and that was very important for all of them to be at this retreat. GOD really moved them in their investigation process of Jesus and they had a very good time!!! This will help them to be connected to the community and get closer to Jesus more and more.

Ely – one student from economics told me that he is so excited about all we heard that he wished he could meet us before. Now he said I have more intimacy with you guys than I have with the guys I live with. Why is that? He asked. I am so interested in knowing more of Jesus!

Mateus – one student of economics told me that he never thought about these things (spiritual things) but that was a good first time.

Daniel – mechanical student that were last year told me that he starts last year thinking for the first time in spiritual issues. But only now he is really considering it relevant. He heard so many testimonies about Jesus changing people’s life that he said in the discussion group: I can see how Jesus changes so many lives over here. Now I believe that he has power to change lives and that he is a true heroes. But I have still not experience that myself. But now I believe he can do it.

Natascha – friend of Paulinha (girl that was involved last year) said to me that she will read the book Mere Christianity from CS Lewis because she wants to know more about Jesus.

Rafael B - economics students. The weekend was great!

It was awesome!!! For Sure God is using so much all the prayers and support!

Thursday, June 05, 2008 

Pensamentos de uma pessoa que está sendo tocada por Deus

Esta semana tem sido especial. Deus tem falado com todos nós. Ele tem nos chamado a dar um passo de coragem e amor. Não caminhar no medo e na ganancia, no controle e na ansiedade. Vamos amar como Jesus amou. Não dá para viver com Jesus e permanecer o mesmo, não podemos. Isso seria negá-lo. Isso seria simplesmente falar que Ele não nos impulsiona a viver radicalmente diferente.

O testemunho do Flavio Castro tem me mostrado muito a minha falta de coragem para viver e desafiar as pessoas da comunidade. Quero ser livre para poder ser taxado do que for, perder amizades mas, viver sempre seguindo a Cristo. Não tenho feito isso muito constantemente, pelo menos acho que não. A nossa comunidade tem vivido uma vida cristã voltada para ser boas pessoas, bons alunos, bons filhos. Isso é bom, mas e o EVANGELHO, onde estamos vivendo o EVANGELHO de Cristo? Estamos simplesmente com uma faixada de cristãos, pessoas certas? Isso não é o evangelho, o evangelho é loucura para os que estão perecendo e poder para os que estão sendo salvos. Estamos sendo sensatos de mais, eticamente corretos de mais, mas não estamos sendo loucos por Cristo.

Quero mesmo dizer que temos que deixar nosso intelecto submetido a vontade de Jesus. Se nosso intelecto fala uma coisa e o Espirito fala outra, não devemos titubiar, devemos tomar a direção do Espirito bem rápido. Devemos ser mais espirituais. Eu devo ser mais espiritual.

Quero pedir a ajuda de todos para me amar e me chamar para viver o Evangelho de Cristo como Ele é. Não quero ser covarde, quero confiar minha vida, meu futuro, minha familia, TUDO nas mãos dele.

Conto com vcs para isso!



Leiam Lucas 12 e meditem neste capitulo para suas vidas.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 

The Cross cultural project is running!!!!

WE are having a incredible time with the 21 Americans students over here. It has being a time for new friendships and for a lot of momentum in our community. Check soon the video some Brazilians students did for the CCP welcoming.

Please pray for us to have:
Capacity to Love for all
Sacrifice and service as we go to ministry Jesus for others
Joy and fulfillment in all times



In the last month I saw how busy and excited I was with all the changes and all the new things that came in our ministry. I realized that going to the Economics building and leaving the Engineering building seems to be the right thing to do. It has being awesome with the students over there and I feel God is really moving there.
The profile of the student there is more relational and more available. This makes us feel more welcomed and loved.

Please pray:
That our new friendships will grow and God will be displayed in us there.